A major focus of my research examines the media’s role in influencing identity negotiation processes among marginalized and stigmatized groups and seeks to implement media-based interventions that alleviate negative health and well-being outcomes. As such, my dissertation proposes the development and efficacy test of a brief-intervention aimed to improve transracial adoptees’ identity construction.
I use mixed methods to conduct research that critically examines how mainstream media narratives impact identity and how these perceptions ultimately effect individual, familial, and communal health and well-being.
After my dissertation I plan to conduct research which examines the intersection of children’s media use and its impact on identity, health, and well-being. To gain skill in this area, I have engaged in multiple research assistantships that place children at the forefront of investigation.
For example, I have been selected to be a part of a grant funded research team under Dr. Colleen Colaner at the University of Missouri to conduct qualitative research on dyadic communication between parents and adopted children. Our aim is to discover how adoption narratives influence children’s identity and self-concept.
Additionally, I have been appointed the lead graduate research assistant working under Dr. Michelle Miller-Day (Chapman University) where I explore pediatric oncology healthcare communication practices talking to children with advanced disease about their diagnosis, palliative care, and end of life (EOL) conversations. For this research, we have partnered with the Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) to better understand the factors associated with how communication occurs surrounding end of life planning to obtain guidance from caregivers on how providers can best facilitate these difficult conversations.
Note: Asterisked items indicates funds were not awarded.
Michael Haley Travel Grant
International Communication Association
General application for travel support to present accepted papers at the 2024 ICA Conference. Presenter. Amount: $1,250.
Open Grant Application
John Templeton Foundation
HCC and Think Human TV: An Inspiration-based media rating system for social change. Lead data analyst. Amount: $350,000*
Asian/Pacific American Caucus Travel Grant
National Communication Association IDEA Council
General application for travel support to present three accepted papers/panels at the 2023 NCA Conference. PI & Presenter. Amount: $300
Graduate Education Dissertation Research Grant
School of Communication, Chapman University
Beneath the beauty of adoption: A mixed method approach to facilitating identity sense-making among Asian transracial adoptees. PI. Amount: $3,205
Research and Creative Activity Grant Vice Provosts Office for Graduate Education, Chapman University
Scholarly Research Dissemination. PI. Grant. Amount: $1,000
Research and Creative Activity Grant Vice Provosts Office for Graduate Education, Chapman University
Scholarly Funding for Research Activities. PI. Amount: $300
Waterhouse Family Institute
Villanova University
C-BARTA stories: A communication-based intervention for victims of post-pandemic anti-Asian sentiments. PI. Amount: $9,104*
Janicke-Bowles, S. H., & McGuire, N. H. (2023). Transcendent and Uplifting Media. In N. Bowman (Ed.), DeGruyter Handbook of Entertainment. Hogrefe Publishing Group. Impact Factor: Hogrefe Publishing is the leading scientific publisher for psychology, psychiatry, and mental health in Europe.
McGuire, N. H., & Ball, H. (2022). Extending psychological reactance theory to include denial of threat and media sharing intentions as freedom restoration behavior. Communication Research Reports, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/08824096.2022.2058480
McGuire, N. H. (2024, June 20 - 24). Building with barriers: An experiential learning activity for intercultural communication students [Gifted Ideas for Teaching Panel]. 74th Annual International Communication Association Conference: Communication and global rights. Gold Coast, Australia.
McGuire, N. H. (2023, May 24 – 29). Using social networking sites to explore adoptee identity and well-being. [Research escalator session]. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Miller-Day, M., McGuire, N. H., & Capra, J. (2022, July 28 – August 1). Relational communication and individual identity: risks of submissive relational communication patterns on differentiation of self. [Paper presentation]. International Association for Relationship Research (IARR) 2022 Conference, Virtual conference.
McGuire, N. H. (2023, November 16-19). Though we are many, but one: A call for a dialectic approach to understanding transnational and transracial adoptee identity. [Conference session]. National Communication Association 109th Annual Convention: “Freedom,” New Harbor, Maryland, United States.
McGuire, N. H. & Kuchenbecker, C. (2023, November 16-19). “Free” Market: An experiential learning simulation for business communication students. [Panel presentation]. National Communication Association 109th Annual Convention: “Freedom,” New Harbor, Maryland, United States.
Sandoval, C., McGuire, N. H., Moss, C., Peck, D., Potter, J., Woehr, L., & Vanderhaagen, S. (2023, November 16-19). Freedom communicating adoption identity in family. [Panel discussion]. National Communication Association 109th Annual Convention: “Freedom,” New Harbor, Maryland, United States.
Lee, S.A., McGuire, N. H., Yoo, N., & Shin, A. (2022, November 17 – 20). The Big Fib: a content analysis of how children detect lies. [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association 108th Annual Convention: Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community and Environment, New Orleans, LA, United States.
McGuire, N. H., & Ball, H. (2022, March 29 – April 2). Reactance to COVID-19 health messaging: extending freedom restoration to threat denial and media sharing intentions. [Paper presentation]. 114th Annual Eastern Communication Convention, Philadelphia, PA, United States.